Wee World Adoptables

Wee World Adoptables

Man, it has been WAY too long since I've been out to the Humane Society of Charlotte to photograph some adoptables. I really wanted to make it up to them and give them a new fun thing to share that - fingers crossed - would really get these pups' pictures out there. I decided to try to make some Wee Worlds with these seriously awesome models!!!

I know some shelter animals can have a bad reputation. But honestly, I don't know why. For example, these guys have never met me, been in front of a big camera, or made to do any serious tricks. Yet, as you'll see, they are modeling... (click the image above to keep reading)



Colby's pet photography session came about in a unique and heart-touching way. It is a story of true love, friendship and support from those around you - people that truly understand that a pet is a member of your family.

Colby was diagnosed with cancer late last year. Of course the news was a blow to his family and they were beside themselves. His parents are recently married and just bought the house of their dreams...the perfect place for their little fur-family. They never imagined news like this would strike so soon...(click the image above to keep reading)

Blog Challenge #2

Blog Challenge #2

It's that time of the month again! Blog Challenge time! Woohoo!

This month's blog challenge was based on LIGHT. So, sadly, if you are in the Charlotte area, you know that we haven't had the greatest month as far a lighting goes. It's been rainy, cloudy, icy, and snowy. Oh, and did I mention cold? Yeah. Not the best for going out and taking pictures.

However, I did manage to put together a Wee World for ya. Now, this happened on a trip home from Ikea (surprise!). The clouds were moving out of the city just as...(click the image above to keep reading)

Model Call

Model Call

Hey dog lovers! I'm searching for a small to medium-sized purebred dog (or two) for a commercial photo shoot this Saturday, February 28th. A Terrier or Cocker Spaniel is preferred but my client will happily consider others.

The dog will be photographed getting treats in a studio environment with flashes. Therefore a good sit and stay is required (should be easier since treats are involved) and no timid dogs please! If you are interested, please email me at sarah@mcgrawphotography.com by 5pm Wednesday (the 25th of February) with the following information: dog's name, breed, age, commands known, and at least two recent photos - one being a full body shot. Put "Model Call" in the subject line.

Only email, please. Thank you so much!



Brrr! Brrrr! Brrrrrr!!!

Gosh...this ice and below-freezing temperature crap has seriously GOT to go. 

Wilbur's session took place a couple weeks ago and, while there was no ice, there was a ton of frigid wind swirling around us. That didn't stop Wilbur from having a grand ol' time! He was smiling and literally bouncing around. At about 16 years old...(click the image above to keep reading)

FAQ For Fellow Photogs

FAQ For Fellow Photogs

So you're a photographer, a hobbyist, or just want to learn about pet photography? Well, I'm glad you are here! I enjoy answering other photographer's questions because I feel that knowledge is only going to make our line of work better for everyone. Unfortunately, sometimes it's hard to answer every email and message individually so I'd love to address some of the most common questions here. So here it goes! If you have any questions for me, feel free...(click the image above to keep reading)

Blog Challenge #1

Blog Challenge #1

So before I jump right into the blog-share goodness that is to come,  I want to give everyone a quick update on the goings-on over here. It's a little related to what's below but anyway, here I go. The winter is always a little slower in photoland just because of the not-fun temperatures and the generally nasty looking landscape. Boo. That doesn't mean I'm not working behind the scenes! I've been busy with some commercial work, general business stuff (because, sadly, a photography business isn't all about taking pictures), and some other exciting new things...



Oh my Dog! Emma could be the most sweet, sugar-coated, melt-in-your-mouth kinda pup I know. This little angel was a true gem during our session and she gave me some of my new favorite images. Her session took place at one of my favorite locations and we were able to explore and enjoy the lovely Fall colors. The sun...