Jager, Kona and Bubbles

Jager, Kona and Bubbles

Fall is my hands down busiest time of year. But, when I get a call for an Angel Session, I will do everything in my power to squeeze a session in. That's exactly what happened with Jager, Kona, and Bubbles.

JΓ€ger, a very handsome Doberman, was the main focus of our shoot as he was battling the dreaded "C" word...cancer. The cancer had already resulted in the removal of... (click on the image above to continue reading)

Adele and Jack

Adele and Jack

Aaaaaaah. Spring time. Seriously my favorite time of the year. I love how everything comes to life, the temperatures warm up, I can plant flowers, and sit on my front porch again. 

Here in the South, the beginning of Spring is marked by cherry, pear, and peach blossoms. When those first purple, white, and pink blossoms appear, a perma-smile enters my face. :)

Spring also means the beginning of the most amazing shooting season. The colors are stunning and the warmer temperatures mean dogs are ready to work off that cabin fever. The kickoff to my Spring season was this oh-so-fun shoot with Adele and Jack.... (click the image above to continue reading)

Snoopy and Ollie

Snoopy and Ollie

The idea of an Angel Session is never easy on a pet parent. Therefore, I try to keep the shoot lighthearted and fun and we try to focus on the positive. For example, the evening of Ollie and Snoopy's session, the weather cooperated gorgeously and we had a great, relaxing time hanging out around the house. We had scheduled plenty of time since we were starting with a kitty (and you never know how they'll react to a session) so everyone had the chance to be... (click on the image above to continue reading)

Model Call - Small Dogs!

Model Call - Small Dogs!


Hey guys! I have a commercial photo shoot scheduled for Sunday, May 3rd (rain date is the 10th). We are in need of some small dogs with the following criteria:

  • Under 25lbs
  • No puppies (prefer around 2 years old but will consider older)
  • MUST be well-trained - have a good stay command, sit, etc
  • Good off-leash abilities are highly desirable

Any breed or mix of breeds will be considered. Especially looking for... (click the image above to keep reading)

Little Kitty

Little Kitty

April has been one hard freakin month. I've been sick, I've paid out the wazoo in taxes, and worst of all, I had to say goodbye to one of my cats, Little Kitty. It all happened so quickly and it was one of the hardest decisions I've ever made in my life. I'm still riddled with guilt and I'm hoping time will heal that along with the pain.

The night that she gained her wings, I had a dream... (click the image above to keep reading)

2015 Pet Palooza

2015 Pet Palooza

Wow! Wow! Wow!

That about sums up the 2015 Pet Palooza event held by the Humane Society of Charlotte. After days and days of rain, Mother Nature blessed us with a mix of sun and clouds (but no rain!!!) which allowed the event to be a huge success... (click the image above to keep reading)

Blog Challenge #3

Blog Challenge #3

This month's blog challenge is...WATER! Woohoo! I had HUGE plans for this one! Sadly, uh, they didn't work out quite as planned. Oh well! On to new adventures!

So my husband and I were going to pack up the dogs and head out to Carolina Beach for a nice little camping trip by the Intracoastal Waterway. We were hoping for sunshine, warmth, and just a relaxing weekend. Unfortunately, the weather was calling for rain and lows in the low 40's. Now normally that wouldn't deter me...but my hubby is a different story...(click the image above to keep reading)