Charlie "The Muffin" - San Diego, CA Pet Photographer

OMG! Puppy!!!! That is all…


But for real. I introduce you to Charlie, aka, Charlie the Muffin. And that’s exactly what he is. The most delicious, decadent, fluffy, adorable muffin you’ve ever laid eyes on. And you could eat him right up.


I met Charlie in San Diego and we started our shoot exploring a mountain-top park outside the city. Charlie enjoyed exploring the amphitheater and trails before we made the journey over to Coronado to let loose at the dog beach.


Coronado Dog Beach is just absolute heaven for both dogs and dog lovers. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many happy and exuberant pups in my life. I mean, I understand why…they are in SoCal on a gorgeous beach. I’m kinda jelly right now as I write this from the east coast in freezing temps!


This little muffin top ran in and out of the ocean a million times and made friends with a wide variety of pups on the beach. I can only imagine how hard his head hit the pillow after his big adventure.


Charlie was just go! go! go! Until he just couldn’t anymore. Finally gave in and fell into his loving momma’s arms.


I’ve said it a million times but beach shoots are my ABSOLUTE favorite. If anyone is up for a San Diego dog beach session, get a group of people together to sign up and I’m make that happen in a heartbeat!!!
