pet portrait

Gracie + Luke - Greenville, SC Pet Photographer

Gracie + Luke - Greenville, SC Pet Photographer

When something is meant to be, it’s gonna happen. I believe whatever force is out there makes sure of that. I feel that this same fate was at play when Gracie and Luke’s mom reached out to me for an Angel session. She knew there wasn’t a lot of time left for her 13-year-old baby, Gracie. Somehow our schedules aligned perfectly, the weather cooperated, and we had a beautiful Fall session. The whole family

Kobe - Greenville, SC Pet Photographer

Kobe - Greenville, SC Pet Photographer

Spring is in the air and it’s not just us humans that are feeling good, getting that Vitamin D, and coming out of hibernation. Our pets are certainly digging these longer days and fresh green grass too!