Tucker + Roo - Phoenix, AZ Pet Photographer

This may be one of my most favorite yet least favorite sessions in recent memory.

The day before this shoot, Tucker and Roo’s mom called me in search of a pet photographer that could come to her house as soon as possible to capture some images of her family with their baby Tucker. Through tears, she explained that Tucker was recently diagnosed with untreatable cancer and he may cross rainbow bridge at any time. My heart fell to pieces. With a quick change to my schedule, I was there 24 hours later.

Our session was the biggest celebration of Tucker, a sweet 8-year-young black Puggle that spent his days sitting in his mom’s lap while she worked, dressed up for Halloween in snazzy t-shirts, cuddled on the couch with his sister, and did anything for a treat. Fortunately, Tucker was placed on Prednisone and was super chipper during our shoot. Honestly, I would have never known he was ill. I’m so glad that is the way I got to meet him.

Despite many tears, the entire family exuded love and I’m simply smitten with the adoration we were able to capture those lovely 2 hours spent together. Tucker has since crossed rainbow bridge but these images and his spirit will live on. You were so loved, Tucker.